A program that will provide deacons with the proper liturgical training to ensure they knew the instructions, rubrics, and theology behind our celebration of the Eucharist.

We provide an extensive review of Sacrosanctum Concilium, the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, Ceremonial of Bishops, The Spirit of the Liturgy, Ceremonies of the Modern Roman Rite, Elements of Rite, Let Us Pray, and other important texts. This didactic program permits deacons to better understand their liturgical role, the ars celebrandi, review and reveal their liturgical skills in practical exercises, and gain insights into a greater range of liturgical practice. 


Using scripture as the starting we provide exceptional exegesis of the text and hermaneutics through our unique gifts and talents, we craft the homily to speak to the people in the pews with real life experiences of secular jobs, marriage, child rearing, financial issues and the other myriad of situations we experience as a permanent deacon, married man and working in the marketplace.  The participant will come away with a better understanding of how to craft his homily to engage the congregation.


While humility dictates that don't take our selves too seriously, we must take our role as leaders in our parish seriously.  Parishioners look up to us for inspiration, guidance and leadership.  Our actions are observed and people expect us to lead by example.  Special attention will be given to the deacon who has an ecclesial leadership position, emphasizing leadership techniques, time management, caring for yourself, and working with staff and volunteers.